Principal's Message

I consider it a privilege to be able to lead Defence Public School which believes that the process of education should be joyful.

Education is the best investment for our future generations. Towards this, Defence Public School Greater Noida has dedicated itself to impart inclusive education to the students for their holistic and all round development. At an impressionable and tender age, the children cannot be expected to be sagacious enough to discriminate between ethical and unethical, moral and immoral, good and evil. However, I expect them to achieve a perfect blend of competence and character so as to strengthen the social fibre. DPS Greater Noida exposes students to a resume of multifarious activities and I am sanguine that they make full use of these to explore their creative talent.

As a lifelong teacher and an educationist, I have witnessed the marvel of a young mind absorbing a new idea, grasping a new concept or solving a problem.We at DPS work hard to realize the vision of enabling and empowering our students and staff to discover the joy of teaching and learning. Pedagogical methods across the school are underpinned by sound values and aim to connect to real life. DPS believes in creating vibrant innovative centres of learning in which students are surrounded by possibility and opportunity, in diverse areas of academics, sports, aesthetics & community responsibility.

We believe in cultivating a global outlook in our students and remain rooted in Indian traditions and values. This is what will sustain and help our students to graduate out of school as responsible citizens who can face the world with equanimity of the mind.

We believe that as educators, it is our responsibility to create nurturing and inclusive learning environments where every student feels valued, supported, and empowered to succeed. By fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and continuous improvement, we try to unlock the full potential of our students and prepare them to thrive in an ever-changing world.

By investing in education today, we are investing in a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow for generations to come. At DPS, we are committed to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to fulfil their dreams and contribute to a better world.

I hereby invite our parents and other stakeholders to create a happy schooling experience for our students.

Mrs. Geetika Chopra